[Original names, locations, and numbers have been redacted for client privacy]

Naheed Ali, MD, PhD

Executive Summary

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Prevention, American kids are at risk for a variety of health-harming activities [1]. They include alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, marijuana, misusing prescription opioids and other illegal drugs, not being active, eating poorly, not getting enough sleep, and not knowing how to deal with stress.

According to research, the majority of American kids exhibit two or more coexisting risky behaviors, and over one-third exhibit three or more risky behaviors [2]. Several risky behaviors interact to exacerbate the pain, suffering, and unhappiness experienced by adolescents and their families by raising the possibility of injury, illness, and personal and social problems and impeding the youth's beneficial development [3].

Using evidence-based programs that combine alcohol and drug use prevention with wellness promotion is necessary to combat the national epidemic of multiple substance use and other health hazards among kids [4]. The FLAUNT and InFit Nurturing Wellness programs are the only evidence-based therapies that target substance use and chronic disease risk behaviors in a single intervention and environment, thereby enhancing the "total health" of enrolled adolescents in a cost-effective manner.

The Racial Justice PPW program, the Vaping, Marijuana, and Opioid Prevention Nurture Wellness programs, and the FLAUNT 2 Prevention program are the only cost-effective, evidence-based interventions that address drug use and chronic disease risk behaviors in the same intervention and environment.

The goal of InFit by Nurture Wellness is to help young people grow up in a healthy way by helping them make a link between not using drugs, improving their health, and achieving their goals for the future. They include doing fun and active things, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and dealing with stress.

FLAUNT/InFit Nurturing Wellness is a one-session, evidence-based screening and brief intervention designed to save time and money for companies. FLAUNT / InFit is specially tailored to each participant's current health practices. FLAUNT /InFit has been carefully examined in controlled assessment trials and found to prevent and minimize alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use while improving healthy habits such as physical activity, which are essential for promoting and protecting the health and well-being of adolescents.

Both the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) as well as Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development and many additional evidence-based program registries are managed by the federal government. These registries include FLAUNT and InFit Nurturing Wellness.

Implementation necessitates following these three easy steps: First, by screening young people, we can help them become more aware of their current health habits; second, by giving them personalized feedback and encouraging imagination, we can get them more excited about adopting healthier routines and avoiding substances; and third, by helping them set and monitor multiple health behavior goals, we can get them started on the process of behavior change and improve their ability to self-regulate.


Assessing youth for their present health behaviors raises awareness of their health practices. Included in FLAUNT: Prevention and Nurturing Wellness are entirely optional follow-up materials. These materials include a series of weekly flyers for parents and kids as well as web tools for parents and youth that are meant to trigger and encourage communication between parents and children and positive image and behavior modification.

The programs contain a program manual, a digital download of PowerPoint slides, reproducible materials, and everything else needed to properly deploy FLAUNT and InFit with an unlimited number of adolescents. The FLAUNT/InFit program guides feature fully scripted protocols for simple and dependable youth deployment.

The developer of every FLAUNT or InFit application provides free online and telephone support. The one-time purchase cost eliminates future material expenses and ensures the sustainability of the program. In addition, certification as a program implementer or trainer of trainers can be obtained through online or on-site training.

Program Benefits

The FLAUNT/InFit Nurture Wellness program addresses a critical gap in meeting the life skills needs of today's adolescents. FLAUNT/InFit Nurturing, in particular, is the only program that educates youth/young adults on how alcohol and other drug use interfere with healthy habits and positive image achievement, all of which are required for experiencing mental and physical well-being.

FLAUNT/InFit also teaches adolescents key self-management skills such as setting and monitoring numerous health behavior objectives in order to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle and combat many health concerns that are frequent among American youth [5]. FLAUNT/InFit is an excellent evidence-based solution for our organization and the adolescents we serve.

FLAUNT/InFit is intended to improve the attention and participation of youth, parents, and providers by stressing positive pictures of youth engaged in wellness-promoting habits. Furthermore, FLAUNT/InFit is adjusted to each youth's unique needs by delivering messages that are matched to their present health practices and ideal self-images as realized values.

Our organization's FLAUNT /InFit program complements and enhances our other life skills activities and initiatives.